Monday, September 3, 2007

Zoho Writer

I love the idea of having documents posted so they are available from any computer. I could have used it when I was writing papers and Bob was editing them from England!
Here is the poem I shared in Zoho Writer: (you can guess the subject)
Here comes the elephant
Swaying along With his cargo of children All singing a song:
To the tinkle of laughter He goes on his way,
And his cargo of children Have crowned him with May.
His legs are in leather And padded his toes;
He can root up an oak With a whisk of his nose:
With a wave of his trunk And a turn of his chin
He can pull down a house, Or pick up a pin.
Beneath his grey forehead A little eye peers!
Of what is he thinking Between those wide ears?
Of what does he think? If he wished to tease,
He could twirl his keeper Over the trees:
If he were not kind, He could play cup and ball
With Robert and Helen And Uncle Paul:
But that grey forehead, Those crinkled ears,
Have learned to be kind In a hundred years!
And so with the children He goes on his way
To the tinkle of laughter And crowned with the May.

Asquith, Herbert. "Elephant, The." The Columbia Granger's World of Poetry. September 3, 2007.

Playing in the SandBox

I sucessfully added my blog to the list in SandBox. It wasn't hard once I thought about it for a while. I also added a comment to the My favorite things section. This wiki was fun. I guess I may become a convert yet!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Wiki, Wiki, Wiki

Wiki's are a way to share information. The problem is that anyone can post. the information may be accurate, but then again, it may not. I confess to using wikipedia for a quick answer to my own questions. I also enjoyed looking at the BookLovers Wiki at
Library Sucess A Best Practices Wiki at had some godd information, but it seems that they have had some porblems with posts. They now require an email address with the post. The ideas in the programming section seemed interesting until I saw that the cost of the Circus storytime was $40 to $60!
Wikis work well at CCPL as a way to keep everyone informed. I guess I feel that Wikis work when the information posted is controlled.

Comments on Library2.0

I read the Library Journal article from September 1 2006, which says that libraries are searching for new ways to offer services and Library 2.0 provides information about tools to reach this goal. I think that technology is ever evolving and librarians need to keep up. In another article which I found at, the author states that:
Libraries should be seizing every opportunity to challenge these perceptions, and to push their genuinely valuable content, services and expertise out to places where people might stand to benefit from them; places where a user would rarely consider drawing upon a library for support.
I explored Technorati. This site will never be my favorite. The tops looked interesting, just not my thing. It's good to look at all of the different options so that I am familiar with them and can use them if I need to.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

I finally mastered to art of saving things from my internet explorer favorites into Being able to access these from any computer will be very helpful. 13 things down, 10 to go! Nobody promised me Twinkies if I finish! I guess a job well done will have to be it's own reward.


It's neat to be able to customize a search. I can see this as a very useful tool for librarians who do a lot of searching to help patrons or themselves locate quality information. By creating your own search tool, you can avoid some useless information